Sunday, 9 May 2004

After enjoying the first CD of Kai Gleusteen and Catherine Ordronneau (Avie 0023 with the Janacek and first Prokofiev sonatas, plus Shostakovich Preludes) it was good to find their second CD (Avie 0037) where they play the Franck Sonata, Dvorak Sonatina, plus the third Grieg sonata. They play as a true duo, and the tempi all seem to be well chosen (well flowing and not erring on the slow side, as so often today). There are better recordings of each work to be had; but these two CDs make a handy mini-collection of two hours of highly enjoyable violin & piano music, well played and well recorded. What is particularly welcome is the absence of evidence of studio playing; the playing sounds as if it were for real.

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