Monday, 20 December 2004

Recorded off-air Vadim Repin and Martha Argerich playing the Beethoven Kreutzer sonata (from the 2004 Verbier Festival). I'm certainly glad Ms Argerich doesn't want to accompany me; she is pretty dominant. One of those performances of which it is said: "sparks were struck". It is certainly a performance full of life and fire. In some ways, it might be termed hectoring. But this is as much Beethoven's fault as that of Martha Argerich. This performance reminded me that there are many violin & pianos sonatas that I prefer to the Kreutzer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Look,Harry: there are 2 pianist I cant stand: Arrau and Argerich. The first because he drags painfully,slowly and hevylly and is boring, boring and boring again. The second because IMO she was borne with a rocket in her ass. She has to play all,anything like she is driving a Ferrari for a desert highway. Cheers.Carlos