Sunday, 6 March 2005

Recorded Julia Fischer off-air playing the Sibelius violin concerto (from San Francisco). She really is an impressive violinist.
It will be good to hear her (if only ... ) in somewhat less hackneyed repertoire. Yet another Sibelius violin concerto ... or Tchaikovsky, or Mendelssohn, or Bruch G minor. I messed up the recording (forgot to turn the tuner to stereo). So the recording is passable rather than good. But the playing is passionate and musical. I await her Bach unaccompanieds (on order).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, Harry. I think the last time I went to a live concert was about 30 years ago, because I am not ready to spend money and time listening to the same archknown works, which I have recorded, I have listen to a hundred times before, and I know by hart. To me doesent matter who play them; Im sick and tired of the "repertorie". And I only buy "new" versions of known works if they are very rare and historicals.
By the way; I got some violin rarities on Ebay. You may be interested.
Cheers. Carlos