Saturday, 4 October 2008

Recently, I listened with enjoyment to Bach's six Brandenburg Concertos played by members of the Philharmonia orchestra conducted by Otto Klemperer. Going back even more years, I now really liked the six concerti as played in 1935 by Adolf Busch and the Busch Chamber Players. What Bach needs to be convincing is love, a sense of rhythm, a sense of style, and musical intelligence. Harpsichords v pianos, flutes v recorders, baroque violins v modern violins really do not matter, since Johann Sebastian rarely wrote with precise sounds in mind (unlike, say, Debussy or Mahler). Busch is great and fully  deserves his high reputation over 70 years on. EMI has done well to reissue the Brandenburgs (plus the four Suites) in new transfers in its Great Recordings of the Century series. Three classic CDs for all time and all ages ... pace the Baroque Brigade.


Anonymous said...

I got my Busch set years ago at RM54 (=GBP9 thereabouts). MDT is selling the new GROC at GBP21.70. Is the new mastering much better, Harry?

Harry Collier said...

Yes, it is better. I dumped my EMI Références set in favour of the new one that has been re-mastered and, although 1935-36, sounds perfectly acceptable and an improvement on the earlier transfers. My philosophy is that with performances like these one should seek out the very best.