Saturday, 16 May 2009

I have always been a reluctant fan of the music of Karol Szymanowksi. In principle, I like it; but in practice, it rarely warms my heart. Which hasn't stopped me really liking a new Hyperion CD of his complete music for violin and piano played by Alina Ibragimova and Cédric Tiberthien.

It is becoming increasingly apparent that Ibragimova is quite a violininst. In her sheer violinistic dexterity and seeming ability to play anything in any position, she resembles Nathan Milstein (though with more fire and drive than old Nathan was wont to show in his recordings). This CD is something of a demonstation disc as to the full range of colours and sounds a violin can produce. I listened entranced to the 76 minutes of the CD, not so much for Szymanowski's music, as for Ibragimova's violin playing. In a world bursting at the seams with incredible violinists, Ibragimova is beginning to stand head and shoulders above the competition.

All praise to Ibragimova for sticking to less-played repertoire -- and to Hyperion for recording it. Had it been EMI, Sony or Universal, she would have been playing the Mendelssohn violin concerto, coupled with the Tchaikovsky. And also all praise to Hyperion for not sexing-up Ibragimova (or Tiberghien). Alina is a vey pretty girl in her mid- twenties, but she gets just one demure black-and-white photo inside the booklet (as does the pianist). How it should be. I hope this CD sells and sells and sells, despite Mr Szymanowski's somewhat wayward music.


Lee said...

Do you like Kaja Dancowska's version of Mythes on DG, Harry?

Harry Collier said...

Don't know it, Lee. The only other complete recording of the Mythes I possess is by David Grimal. Not anxious to know more; Szymanowski seems to have every talent other than being able to write a memorable theme (except in the Tarantella, but that's easy). Otherwise, the music just seems to warble on in lush, exotic harmonies until it ends. I like the Ibragimova version very much because of the violin playing; forget about the music.

Anonymous said...

I would recommend to you Sz.violin sonata, but as I've it by your despised Oistrakh, better I wouldn't