Sunday, 1 February 2015

In Praise of Philippe Jaroussky

As a staunch non-religion person, I am not naturally drawn to church music. With important exceptions, such as most of Bach including his church cantatas (minus libretto), his Mass in B minor and the St Matthew Passion. And I have frequently shown my extreme hesitation when faced with the countertenor / male alto or castrato voice. Every rule has exceptions, however, and Philippe Jaroussky is one. His countertenor voice is lovely and sounds so natural, and he has an acute musical intellect that makes everything he sings sound moving. Even church music, and I have just been revelling in Jaroussky singing Vivaldi's sacred works, including a stunning Stabat Mater. The music is exceptionally beautiful. The singing marvellous to hear. The accompanying band (Ensemble Artaserse) first class, and the recording (Erato) all that could be desired. This is not a CD to be shelved in some distant corner, since I'll be listening to it frequently, church music, countertenor, and all.

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