Paganini's Violin
Concerto No.1 in D major is a superb exhibition of pretty well
everything of which the violin is capable, from lyrical, tender
passages to fiery brilliance; from grave G string to silvery high E
string. It's a mistake to try to play it as great music; it shines
best when played by a violinist who enjoys showing off, which is one
reason why the work has often thrived at the hands of young
violinists: the young Menuhin, the young Leonid Kogan, the young
Michael Rabin, the young Viktoria Mullova.
I've just added the 18
year old Akiko Suwanai to this list, playing the concerto at the 1990
Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow – which she won. For once, I was
happy that the ecstatic roar of applause from the Russian audience
was left in at the end of the concerto; this is a truly magnificent
version of the old war-horse, and the extended cadenza by Emile
Sauret receives playing that is quite stunning. Akiko plays the
concerto for all it's worth and bowls us all over in the process. I
have no less than 45 different recorded performances of Paganini's
Opus 6, but this is the one I'll reach for in future when I
want to be truly amazed.
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