There is some truly
wonderful violin playing on Isabelle Faust's 2009-11 recording
of the unaccompanied violin sonatas and partitas of Johann Sebastian
Bach. At times, one simply has to gasp in admiration, and I often
regretted that, so far, Ms Faust does not seem to have recorded
Paginini's Capricci. Her Strad here sounds beautiful, and Ms
Faust does not miss a trick, or even a demi-semiquaver. The fast
movements come off very well indeed – and the B minor partita that
can often seem to go on for too long, gets a magnificent performance.
But, and it's a big
but: some of the music is played simply too quickly. The fugues, the
lovely andante of the A minor sonata, the largo of the C major
sonata, as well as the Ciaccona – need to breathe. In
practically every movement I looked at, Faust is faster even than
Jascha Heifetz. The Ciaconna is dispatched in one long breath
of 12'26; probably a world record. Make no mistake, there is some
breathtaking violin playing on these two CDs; the well-known Preludio
to the E major partita is full of fascinating light and shade. Ms
Faust is no dumb high-speed virtuoso; she is a superb musician in all
she does. It's just that some movements in this set are just too damn
I have only once heard
Isabelle Faust live, but I have many recordings by her, and
practically everything she touches turns to gold. Two hours of
wonderful violin playing here, and I sense I'll return to this set
often; but I still need alternatives such as Heifetz, Milstein or
Ibragimova for performances that allow the music to breathe and leave
me admiring Bach, as well as the violinist.
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