Thursday 23 May 2024

Beethoven from the Smetana String Quartet

One can easily overlook the music of Ludwig van Beethoven. I have had his only opera, Fidelio, on my shelves for nearly 30 years now, and never listened to it. And I would feel no loss if I never heard his fifth symphony again, nor the bombastic finale of the ninth. All his life, he had no long-term patron or employer, and was forced to earn his living from crowd-pleasing music. Occasionally, as in his 'old age' (he was only 57 when he died) he wrote music just for himself.

I have just been re-listening to his string quartet opus 130 in B flat major. Surely the Cavatina followed by the Grosse Fuga finale are among a chosen few at the summit of all music? In these two movements, Beethoven raises music to new heights. Music to which I am never tired of listening.

My chosen CD this time round was the Smetana String Quartet, Czech string quartet players playing Beethoven and really well recorded and balanced by Supraphon, my favourite company for string quartet recordings. Contentment all round.

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