Friday, 8 February 2008

Bliss, listening to Philippe Hirschhorn playing Bach (second unaccompanied sonata) in a public recording from 1967. The playing was highly intelligent and most interesting; but the sound was glorious! Such a relief to hear this music played by a "proper" violinist rather than some sour "authentic" attempt. I look forward to hearing the Lara St. John re-make of all six Bach s&p unaccompanieds (on their way to me). Lara always seems to have a way with Bach.


Anonymous said...

Well, Repin told me that his favourite Paganini VC 1 belonged to Hirshhorn. I have not heard his Bach but I'm sure your ears are very good and his solo Bach is excellent as well. As for the authentic camp, my affinities are with yours, Harry. As for sweet dear Lara, I have not heard much from her - except the VC 1 in A minor BWV 1041 - last movement - which really swings and rocks!

Anonymous said...

Harry - I dug up my small violin treasure trove & came up with Philippe Hirshhorn on the Lekeu, R Strauss VS and Beethoven VS 1. I will make copies for you - more treasure coming your way! Regards - Lee

Harry Collier said...

Hirschhorn's Paganini-1 is extremely good. I was a bit disappointed hearing Lara St.John in the flesh (playing Paganini-2 -- not a great piece) but her Bach really is quite special. I have always treasured her début album that featured just a couple of sonatas and one partita.

As for Hirshhorn playing Lekeu and Strauss: those will be extremely welcome.