Tuesday, 31 March 2009

An Elgar evening, for a change. First the Maggini Quartet with Peter Donohue in the piano quintet. I love the first two movements,  but the finale hectors a bit and, to my mind, is not at the same level of inspiration. Then on to Simone Lamsma playing Elgar salon pieces. Very appealing music and playing; Lamsma keeps things moving and actually sounds as though she likes what she is playing. The pieces are technically undemanding but, like all recitals of a series of short pieces, call for a broad palette of bowing and sound. Ms Lamsma does well. Both discs come from the mighty Naxos company. What would we do without Naxos?


Lee said...

There is now a new St Lubin violin CD
out on pre-order from Naxos. I am 1st in the queue for this one.

Harry Collier said...

And I am second !

Lee said...

Also a de Beriot violin duos CD from Naxos.