Sunday, 17 April 2011

The latest volume in Tianwa Yang's traversal of the complete works of Pablo Sarasate does not disappoint. The ability of the young Chinese girl to identify with the sound and spirit of the 19th century Spaniard is quite uncanny. Interesting to learn that, like Sarasate, Yang also plays a 19th century violin by Vuillaume (and on one track of the current CD she plays on Sarasate's Vuillaume, and very good it sounds, too).

Sarasate's music, like his playing, was characterised by elegance and sophistication. There is no vulgar showmanship in Sarasate. One comes away from Tianwa Yang's latest disc full of admiration for her playing, and for Sarasate's music. I don't know whether Miss Yang would be so "right" in the music of Bruch or Brahms. But she can certainly get inside the skin of the man from Navarra.


Lee said...

In fact, when companies recorded Sarasate in 1908 thereabouts, he was already downhill technically. But I certainly love Tianwa's playing too. Can't wait to receive my copy of her Vol 3.

Harry Collier said...

1903. I can't wait to receive the last three volumes of Miss Yang's complete edition. And the recording balance is good, as well. A very, very successful series. If she does nothing else in the rest of her life, this homage to Sarasate will have been well worthwhile.