Wednesday, 27 July 2022

Ray Wings - L'Aile de Raie

I have had a long-time love affair with ray wing (or skate wing). L'aile de raie in French. Recently in France on the Brittany coast (La Trinité-sur-Mer) I had a really remarkable aile de raie in a restaurant called Le Surcouf. Cooking the wing is not difficult (2 minutes in hot water, turn, then two more minutes). It's the sauce that is so difficult. The classic sauce has capers and vinegar, but the sauce at Le Surcouf was much more subtle and I have been trying to emulate it at home from memory ever since, with varying degrees of success. Best attempt to date was with salt, pepper, butter, lemon juice, mustard, and a dollop of crème fraiche. But I'm not there, yet. Give me a few more years, and a few more experimental sauces.

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