Tuesday, 29 January 2008

Good musical evening. Started with three Mozart symphonies (29, 38 and 39) conducted by Otto Klemperer with the Philharmonia. Classical, in the best sense of the word. Well balanced, well recorded, admirably structured and with the music speaking for itself.

Then on to Schubert, and my favourite D 960 piano sonata. Schubert's powers of modulation and harmonic tension in this music (as in so much of his music) are quite outstanding. The all-time classic performance was by Leif Ove Andsnes, a pianist in the Arthur Grumiaux mould. Listening to Andsnes in Schubert, you come away over-awed ... by Schubert. Just as it should be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes - Sym 29 & 39 - I like these very much incl. Sym 41.

Sometimes Schubert's heavenly length maybe too much for me. But yes D 960 is best. I have S Kovacevich on EMI. I also like Andsnes playing - heard him live here with the Norwegian CO. Brilliant and so humble too!